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Download the latest English song ringtones for your phone. Explore a vast selection of high-quality ringtones featuring popular hits, classic tunes, and trending tracks. Easy and free downloads available for all your favorite English songs. Personalize your phone with the best English music ringtones today.

Downloads : 444 / Views : 6805 / Upload Date: 2024-05-19

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I could do this with my eyes closed
I’m back from the dead
From the back of my head
Been gone and facing horrors
That should never be said
The wrath and the grit
From the pit of despair
Been taking every whip and word
I’ve never been spared
They say tomorrow’s never promised, honest
They say the angels are among us
Lock me up in a maze
Turn out turn out the lights
I was born I was raised for this
Turn out turn out the lights
Lock me up inside a cage
Just throw away the key
Don’t worry bout me
I was driving in my car
Throwing up my hands
Put it in coast
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes —
Less medications, less manifestations
Mantras, meditation, throw it all away
All the places I’ve been
All the blood that I’ve bled
I’ve been broken down and beat up
But I still get ahead
All the faceless embraces
And the tasteless two faces
Killed and resurrected
Cause I’ll never be dead
They say tomorrows never promised, honest
They say that piranhas are among us
Lock me up in a maze
Turn out turn out the lights
I was born I was raised for this
Turn out turn out the lights
(Turn out the lights)
Lock me up inside a cage
Just throw away the key
Don’t worry bout me
I was driving in my car
Throwing up my hands
Put it in coast
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes —
And when the day broke, buried in violence
Something made my mind up
I will spend these days as an island
Alone and far away
Lock me up in a maze
Turn out turn out the lights
I was born I was raised for this
Turn out turn out the lights
Lock me up inside a cage
Just throw away the key
Don’t worry bout me
I was driving in my car throwing up my hands
Put it in coast
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes closed
(Turn out, turn out the lights)
I could do this with my eyes closed

    Avg Rating 2.33 by 3 User(s)

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